Their tongues danced for a while, and then he kissed his way down her chest. He helped her lie down on his bed and finished undressing her. "Red, you're beautiful." His mouth and hands glided slowly down her slender body. He kissed her thighs gently, parting them to study her pussy.

"What big eyes you have," she giggled.

"Again with this silliness." He began to devour her.

"Oh, God," she moaned.

He carefully inserted a finger into her tight, wet opening, sucking on her now engorged clit.

"Don't stop."

"I wasn't going to."

"What a fat finger you have!"

"The better to pleasure you with." He continued working her until she arched her body in orgasm.

When she recovered, she tore at his clothes. His manhood sprang to attention when she pulled his boxers off. She licked away a drop of pre-cum that glistened on the tip. It lurched upward in response. She wrapped one small hand around it to steady it, opened her mouth, and moved him inside.

It was Wolfie's turn to groan. "Damn, Red, you're good at that!"

"Thank you." She went back to her work, licking his entire length and then sucking him nearly into her throat, massaging his balls and the part of his shaft that wouldn't fit in her mouth.

After a couple minutes, he pulled her off him. "I want you, Pietra." He pulled her up to kiss her, and then helped her position herself over his anxious, spit-wet cock.

She mounted him carefully, aiming him with one hand. They joined, Red sinking onto his engorged penis until her small ass rested on him. She leaned down to kiss him, and they made out like that for a couple minutes, not moving much – just savoring their intimacy.

When he couldn't stand it anymore, he rolled her on her back and started fucking her in earnest. Her legs clamped around him, urging him on. Before it was too late, he pulled out and sat back on his haunches to gaze at her.

"Why'd you stop?" she moaned.

"To look at you. To try to figure out why I'm so lucky."

"Worry about that later," she urged, reaching for his cock to get it back inside her.

"No, babe, not yet." He moved down in the bed to taste her wet, gaping hole. She rewarded his efforts with a keening wail, her fingers wrapped in his long hair.

"Fuck me," she breathed when she was done. "Fuck me, and don't stop till you fill me."

He penetrated her again, pushing into her slowly until he could go no further. Her limbs clenched him, and they began to mate again, slow, deep, not too hard, but hard enough to make her little breasts move with the force. She responded by writhing under him, glorying in the impending orgasm that took its sweet time overwhelming her. When it finally happened, she moaned again and again, "Fuck me, fuck me."

He sped up after that. Knowing he had satisfied her gave him license to seek his own release. Soon, he pushed deep and stayed there, pumping his seed into her.

"I feel it, oh God, I feel it," she squealed as he spasmed inside her, and her orgasm resumed.

When they were spent, he rolled onto his back, keeping her impaled on him and cuddling her to his chest. He combed her red hair off her smiling, sweaty face and studied her.

"What?" she giggled, feeling some of his product leak around the softening shaft plugging her.

"I never thought I'd do this again."

"Fuck a girl?" she asked.

"Make love to a beautiful young woman," he corrected her.

She blushed. "You say the nicest things." She dismounted and cuddled up next to his naked bulk on the bed. Then she giggled. "Lisa would be so jealous."

"Granny would be jealous?" he asked. "Why?"

"She's had men in her life. Good men. Things happened like they often do, and then she got attacked. She used to love dick. We talk about it sometimes. She'd adore yours."

"Thank you, but that's not going to happen," he said.

"You wouldn't fuck her?"

He sat up to look at her. "Doesn't matter. She's done with men now."

"I wonder," Pietra mused.

He leaned down and kissed her. "Trying to give me away already?"

"Not at all. I'm trying to figure out how to give two people I care about what they need."


The next evening Pietra lay spooned naked on the couch after a tender session with Lisa. "Do you like this movie?"

"Not really."

"Neither do I." Pietra turned it off. "We need to talk."

"What's wrong?" Lisa asked. "Talk about what?"

"Wolfie. And you. And me."

"What about him and me and you?"

"He likes you."

"He told you that?"

"Yes. He talks about you a lot."


"When I'm alone with him."

Granny urged Red to sit up so she could look at her. "When you're alone with him?"

Pietra blushed for a second. "You and I never said we were exclusive, and we're bi, not lezzies, remember? He's built differently than you."

"I should hope so," Granny laughed.

"Oh, but you should see it."

"Big?" Lisa asked.

"Proportionate to the rest of him, I guess."

"Aha," Granny snickered. "Big."

"Enough," Red agreed.

"So you're saying he talks about me when he's in bed with you."

"Yeah, sometimes."

"Don't you find that weird?" Granny asked.

"It's not like he calls out your name when he cums or anything," Pietra giggled. "But, yeah, we talk. He thinks you're beautiful."

"He said that?"

"Even though he’s a guy, I don’t think it’s all your body, although you know my opinion of it," Red answered, kissing Lisa lightly on the lips. "It's deeper than that. He's super lonely, and somehow you remind him of the girl that got killed, the one he was in love with."

"I'm not playing stand-in for some dead girl," Granny stated.

"Stop it! Will you just …." Red twirled a lock of hair in her fingers like she always did when she was frustrated. "Just humor me. I want the three of us to go out somewhere, a three-way friends date."

"No. He wouldn't do it anyway. He's in hiding, remember?"

"He already agreed to go," Pietra said.


"Look. You know he's not going to attack you. You know he values his own privacy, so we'll go some place discrete. Now that he shaved, he probably won't be recognized, but he'll be careful for all of us. You think a man's going to attack you if you're with him?"

Granny chuckled. "Probably not. He's so damn huge. Now that he's cleaned up he looks like a bouncer at an exclusive downtown club. Not someone you mess with."

"Exactly. So you'll go?"

"Only because you didn't play your whiney 'if you really love me' guilt trip game."

"That would have been next."


The date was set for Friday. Wolfie told them to dress casually. Pietra rode her motorcycle to his place, and they went in his truck to Lisa's.

She answered the door in designer jeans and a stylish simple top. The outfit displayed her figure without flaunting it, and she wore her hair in a loose braid down her back. The few strands of silver sparkled in the porch light.

"Damn!" Wolfie muttered.

"She cleans up nicely, doesn't she?" Pietra laughed.

Lisa blushed. "Do I look okay?"

"Way more than okay," Wolfie grinned. "Let's go. We're going to have a good time tonight." He opened the passenger door on his pick-up truck and motioned to her. "Ride in the middle. Safest place for you."

The girls piled in, and Wolfie started the truck. "Have you ever been to that old country inn about ten miles west of here?"

"Is that place still open?" Granny asked. "It wasn't doing well last I heard."

"It was sold a few years ago. Completely re-modeled, new chef, new menu. The online reviews are always good."

The maitre d' seated them at a table in a dark corner in exchange for a quiet bribe. "Your privacy will be assured here, sir," he said, snapping his fingers to summon the waiter. The meal was relaxed, the food excellent, and the service quiet and discrete. After dinner, they piled in Wolfie's truck for the drive back to her place.

"See?" Red said. "Nothing bad happened. No one recognized the new, cleaned-up Wolfie, and no one attacked you, Granny."

"Nobody touches my girls," Wolfie said.

"Since when are we your girls?" Lisa chuckled.

"You're with me. That means you're my responsibility. I care about you," Wolfie answered. "I take this very seriously."

"Are you always this chivalrous?" Lisa asked.

"A romantic at heart. The guys used to tease me about it, called me old-school until they figured out I was proud of it. I like women, not as sex objects, but as the sensitive, mysterious, fragile, wonderful creatures they are."

"I’m not fragile," Granny huffed.

"Bullshit," Lisa muttered.

When they got to Granny’s house, Red let her out of the truck and then climbed back inside. Wolfie walked Granny to her door. "See? A safe, quiet evening out. I’ll wait here while you let yourself in and reset your alarm."

Lisa blushed, touched his hand briefly, and went inside.

"What?" Red asked when Wolfie got behind the wheel. "No goodnight kiss?"

He looked at her by the glow of the instrument panel lights. "I don’t think she and I will go down that road." He put the truck in gear. "Are you staying with me tonight?"

"May I?"

"Hoped you would."


The next morning Wolfie went to Lisa’s house to pick her up for their Saturday jam session.

"Where’s Pietra?" she asked when she saw him alone at her door.

"She asked me to pick you up. She rode her bike to my house yesterday, so she’s on her way home to change clothes and get her car so she can bring you back here tonight. She should be back to my place by the time we get there."

They got in his truck. Lisa said, "She stayed with you last night."

"Does that bother you?"

"Not really."

"That didn’t sound convincing."

Lisa studied the man beside her. "I don’t want her getting hurt."

"You don’t know me very well, Lisa."

"I know men."

"You know about one horrible man. We’re not all like that. Pietra told me you used to date men."

"That was a while ago. Since the attack I see men as predators."

"Do you see me that way?"

"Not so much anymore."


They drove in silence until Lisa said, "You told me last night you don’t see women as sex objects, but you’re sleeping with Pietra."

"Sleeping with a girl doesn’t mean I see her as a sex object. To me the term is offensive. It’s not like that with Red and me."

"Oh?" Granny deadpanned. "Then how is it?"

Wolfie stole a glance at her as he drove. "I like her a lot. I know you and Pietra are lovers. It’s pretty obvious you two are very close. She and I talked about it. I’m not trying to come between you two, but we enjoy each other."

Lisa sighed. "I worry about her. Pietra trusts people too much sometimes."

"Maybe you trust some people too little, Lisa. I will not hurt her. That’s not who I am. I understand pain well enough to never cause it in someone I care about. That’s why I’d never hurt you."

"Because you care about me?"

He grinned. "Why is that so hard to believe?"

"I haven’t been exactly nice to you."

"No," he argued. "You’ve been on guard. I get that. I respect it. Just kinda hoped you’d let your guard down a little."

"I already have. I went out to dinner with you last night, and I’m alone with you now. Do you have any idea what accomplishments those are?"

He turned onto a bumpy, overgrown dirt road and wound through the trees to the hidden spot where he kept his truck. "Yes, Lisa, I do. Remember, I’m a hermit."

Pietra waved to them from the porch when they walked up the path to the cabin. "Hey, guys! I brought a couple bottles of wine. Maybe we can chill them for lunch. I’ll be good to drive by dark that way."

The trio played their latest song and added a vocal track from Lisa. They spent as much time talking as playing until Wolfie said, "Lunchtime," and led them to his kitchen.

Red checked the refrigerator. "The wine’s not cold enough."

"Just as well," Wolfie said. "It’s too early in the day for me to drink, and I’m not crazy about you driving if you do. We’ll save it for another time."

"If you’ll let me drive your car, Red, I can go home and let you two lovebirds have your wine," Granny said. "You can call me tomorrow, and I’ll come back with your car so you can drive me home again."

"That’s a lot of running around," Wolfie said. "We’ll save the wine for another time." He set to work making a chef salad for three. "Will you girls stay for dinner? Red, check the fridge. How many tomatoes do I have?"

"Six big ones and a couple small ones." She inspected them. "They’re nice."

"We’re all set," he grinned. He went back to grating carrots for the salad.

When they went to the studio he said, "I’d like to work on ‘The Guilt Will Kill You’."

"Thought we were done with it," Lisa said.

"Maybe we are. Humor me." Pietra’s soft chords played, and her voice sang,

"You had your plans,
You loved your girl,
And things were goin' fine.

You played your show,
Watched her drink that wine."

He stopped the recording. "Lisa, can you sing harmony with her?"

"I can try. Let’s listen to the whole thing first," she responded.

He re-started the recording, and they sat in silence to listen.

When it was done, Lisa asked, "Why do you want to change it?"

"Not sure. Maybe to make you more a part of it. The listener hears the lyrics you wrote and your drum work, but not you."

"Red told me I remind you of your late fiancee."

"Maria. I hadn’t gotten up the nerve to ask her yet, but I bought a ring. The jeweler was good about taking it back."

"Wolfie, do you want me singing about her? Isn’t that a little … bizarre?"

"Not at all. She’s part of my past. I know you’re not her. It’s not like that."

"How is it then?"

He combed his goatee with his fingers. "How can I explain?" he sighed. "Duke was the only one who knew I was going to propose to Maria. Since they didn’t have a dad I went to him, her big brother, to discuss marriage. He and I were tight, but marrying a guy’s sister changes stuff. He was cool with it. We even talked about how he would walk her down the aisle and then join me as best man. Then they were gone, and I felt like I caused it."

Pietra grabbed his hand. "How many times did we talk about this? Their death was not your fault."

He pulled away to pace in front of them. "The logical part of me knew that all along, but I sentenced myself to life in my custom-built prison. Meeting the two of you was like getting paroled. I have hope again. Last night was the most fun I’ve had in years."

Lisa chuckled. "Yeah, Pietra slept with you."

"Well, yeah, but that’s not what I meant."

"What did you mean?" Lisa asked.

"Going out to dinner. I enjoy what we do here, but going out together as friends is something I haven’t done since the night Duke and Maria died. I want to go out with you again."

"With me alone?" Lisa asked.

"If you’re willing. You alone, Red alone, the three of us together – I realize people need to spend time with others. If you’re with me, Lisa, you’re safe. I feel safe with you."

"I’ll think about it," she mumbled.

They worked on their song until they were tired and hungry. Wolfie made tomatoes stuffed with tuna, covered with cheese, and heated under the broiler until the cheese melted. Crisp hot strips of bacon completed the dish.

After dinner Wolfie ushered the girls to his couch and sat between them. "What do you think about what I said earlier, Lisa?"

"About what?"

He looked straight at her. "About us going out. I feel really comfortable with you, and you seem okay with me."

"Are you asking me out on a date?"

"If you want to call if that. We already did a threesome."

Pietra snickered. "Not exactly what I’d call a threesome, but it sounds like a great idea."

"That’s not what I meant!" Wolfie sputtered, but Pietra only laughed harder.

Lisa joined her. "Don’t think I’m ready for anything like that," she blushed.

Red forced herself to be serious. "I am."

Wolfie spun to gape at her.

"Pietra!" Lisa scolded.

"Why not? Think about it. There’s no better way for you to get reintroduced to men than with me at your side. We proved the social part of that already. I sleep with both of you, so I know what you like sexually and what he does. Trust me -- it will be hot, and there’s this thing he does when gets all the way inside you …."

"Pietra Stevens! You have a hell of a lot of nerve. You said I was your project. You didn’t say you wanted to whore me out."

"Do I get a say in any of this?" Wolfie asked.

"No!" the girls said in unison.

"He’s perfect for you, Lisa," Pietra stated, "and no, I’m not whoring you out. I’m just saying you might enjoy him."

"I very well might," Lisa said, "but it’s none of your business."

"It certainly is my business," Red insisted. "You are the most important person in my life. I like Wolfie a lot, but I’m not in love with him. Don’t know whether that’s in the cards. You and I have known each other a long time. I love you. I want you to be happy."

"Do I get a say in any of this?" Wolfie repeated.

Pietra rubbed her hand lightly over his groin. "It’s your dick I’m talking about sharing, so go ahead. I swear, Lisa, you should see it."

He smacked her hand away. "Maybe going out without you might be a good idea. We wouldn’t have to listen to your dirty little mouth."

Pietra tried to pout but didn’t pull it off well. "You like my dirty little mouth."

Wolfie ignored her and turned to Lisa. "Is she like this all the time?"

Lisa laughed. "Pietra enjoys her fun. Don’t let her innocent appearance fool you."

He shook his head. "Will you go out on a real date with me, Granny? Dinner and dancing or a show?"

"What about her?" Lisa gestured toward Pietra.

"What about her?" Wolfie countered.

"I’m right here, you know," Red smirked. "When you two come back from your date I’ll have the bed all nice and warm."

"Red!" Lisa scolded.

"Have you been out of circulation that long, Granny? When a hot guy takes you to the theater or dancing, that’s kinda special, so you’re supposed to have sex with him. I’d be happy to help the first time."

"Red!" Wolfie barked.


"You know what," Granny said. "You never act like a lady."

"Being a lady is boring. I’m in love with life. Sure, I’m afraid of stuff, but I don’t let it rule my existence. There’s too much to do. Too much fun to be had. You told me many times how much you enjoyed sex with men when you were younger."

"When I was younger, yes. I’m getting older, Pietra. You’ll understand some day."

"What’s to understand? You’re at the age where women are still approaching their sexual peak. You take care of your body. Girls a lot younger than me would kill to look like you. Wolfie’s your age, and he’s still youthful, especially in bed."

"What the hell does that mean?" Lisa asked.

"He’s strong and passionate, gentle when you need him to be, but he takes charge of your body and makes you cum over and over. I know how you like getting your pussy licked. You taught me what you like, and near as I can tell he does those things. Plus, he lasts a long time when he’s inside you."

"Red, stop," Wolfie said. "Can’t you see when someone is uncomfortable?"

"Who? Lisa or you? No, you know what? It doesn’t matter. Someone has to get you two moving. It might as well be me."

"Why are you so hell-bent on getting me laid?" Lisa chuckled. "I can find a man if I want one."

"You could, but you don’t!" Red exclaimed. "We talk about men all the time! I know the kind of porn you watch, so the idea obviously appeals to you, but you lock yourself up and avoid guys! Now there’s one sitting an inch away from you, probably the safest man you’ll ever meet! You said yourself he’s good looking!"

"Good looking is one thing. I didn’t say I wanted to have sex with him."

Pietra got up and pulled Wolfie to his feet. She stripped his shirt off and then her own. "You didn’t say you didn’t want to. Look at that body, Lisa! Now, take your top off."

"Red, no! Besides, I’m not wearing a bra!"

Pietra stepped to her friend and grabbed the hem of her shirt. "That saves a step. Stand up. Raise your arms."

"I’m not a slut!" Lisa said, batting her friend’s hands away.

"I don’t think I am either, but even if I am, you love me for it. Now, listen. I know what he does to me in bed. I know what you like in bed from me and what you say you like from a man. You once said sex should be a mix of naughty giggles and sweat, and I guarantee with him you’ll have both. This needs to happen."

Lisa sputtered her protest but stood and lifted her arms obediently. When she pulled her head free of the garment she covered her breasts with her hands. "Are you happy now that he saw my tits?"

"Yes, or I would be if you’d put your hands down. C’mon, Granny. If you really loved me,…"

"Oh, that’s low." Lisa glared at her younger friend and put her hands on her hips.

"Aren’t they nice, Wolfie?" Red asked.

As he stared at Lisa’s firm, womanly globes, her areola began to crinkle. "Beautiful." He smiled at Lisa, and she gave an embarrassed grin back.

Red put her hands on her friend’s shoulders. "You know I love you, right?"

Lisa nodded.

"You know I’ll never let anything bad happen to you, right?"

Another nod.

"This can be a one-time thing. You can watch, you can join in, we can take turns, but we’re going to make love. Assuming Wolfie’s willing."

The girls turned to him, but he looked only at Lisa. "I can drive you home now."

Pietra removed the rest of her clothes and started on Wolfie’s pants. His manhood sprang from the prison of his shorts. "See?" Pietra said. "Look at the nice trim job. You can really see how big it is now, and no more long hair to get in the mouth."

Lisa bit her lip for minute until Pietra nudged her and Wolfie together in an embrace. Lisa’s nipples grew harder against his furry chest, and his manhood twitched in response. She reached down and touched it tentatively. "My, what a big …."

He interrupted her with a series of warm, exploratory kisses. "If you’re not sure,…" he began.

"Just be gentle."

He cupped one breast in his big hand and teased the nipple with his thumb. She gasped and started stroking him gently.

"Not out here," he said between kisses. "It’s a big bed." He kicked his pants and shorts off, lifted her, and cradled her in his arms. "Do you want Red to come with us?" He sucked a nipple into his mouth and toyed with it with his tongue.

"At first," Lisa breathed.

He kissed her again and carried her to his room.

Pietra followed. "The jeans have to go, Granny." She knelt in front of Wolfie and licked his manhood. "C’mon. Get naked and join us."

Blushing and shaking with nervousness, Lisa pulled her pants off.

"Turn around. Show him that ass," Pietra said. "What do you think, Wolfie? Don’t you want to smack it?"

"I want Lisa to move at her own pace," he answered, pulling Red to her feet.

Lisa looked at her naked best friend and lover and felt herself melt as she always did. The first man she felt comfortable with in years stood next to her, rugged, sensitive, his cock pointing right at her. Her moisture made her panties cling to her for an instant when she pulled them down. "Maybe you’re right, Pietra."

Wolfie held his arms out to her, and she moved into them, her breasts flattened to his chest, his cock bent up against her belly. They kissed tenderly at first, but when he cupped her ass in his hands the kisses deepened. He moved her to the bed and helped her lie down. They embraced and kissed hard, just short of hungrily. Hands wandered, and soon he found her wetness. He moistened his finger and brought it to his lips.

Lisa shuddered as she watched him study her flavor and reached for his dripping cock.

"Not yet," he admonished before moving down her body and gently pushing her knees apart. He kissed the insides of her thighs, not too far up, and traced light patterns on her hips with his fingertips.

Pietra appeared on the bed next to her friend. "I’ll take care of her titties for you, Wolfie."

Lisa shuddered again and reached for her younger lover as the first man in years parted her shaved lips to gaze at her. A drop of moisture formed and drooled from her entrance. He licked it away. Pleased with her gasp, he teased her legs apart as far as they’d comfortably go and began his feast.

She jumped every time his tongue or teeth or the tough bristles of his mustache touched her clit.

"Relax and enjoy," Pietra murmured. "Told you he was good at this." She sucked on Lisa’s engorged nipple. "Here. Let me prop you up with some pillows so you can watch. You can see his beautiful cock that way too.

"No," Lisa breathed. She pushed her friend away and pulled gently on Wolfie’s ponytail. "I want to taste it."

They repositioned themselves, Wolfie on his back and Lisa above him. He quickly went back to work on her pussy while she fondled and studied his penis. When pre-cum leaked she took the head into her mouth. The combined efforts of his fingers and tongue made it hard to concentrate on the blowjob, and finally she gave up, riding his face to orgasm.

"Never thought I’d say this to man again, but I need you inside me." She turned and knelt with her legs spread, her wet folds hovering over his spit-moistened cock. "Not too fast at first." She grasped his shaft and aimed him, sinking about halfway. "Oh God."

"Feels good, doesn’t it?" Pietra asked.

Neither of the mating couple answered, ignoring her sitting cross-legged on the bed next to them, fingering herself slowly. They concentrated instead on the penetration. When Lisa settled her weight on him, she moved a little to get comfortable.

"I love a woman in this position," Wolfie said.

"Why?" she asked, still not moving much.

He reached for her breasts. "I can play with these." He pulled on her nipples slightly till she leaned down for a kiss. "I can fondle your ass," he whispered into her hair. She wriggled pleasantly at his touch and sat up to force his hands onto her more firmly. He freed a hand and touched her clit. "And I can play with this."

She moved then, halfway off him and slowly back on. She bent her body so she could watch with him as the lips of her pussy dragged over the wetness she made for them. They coupled gently, slowly, savoring it.

"That looks so good," Pietra breathed.

"Feels pretty damn good too," Lisa agreed. Then her body shook slightly, and she sped up, lengthening her strokes, riding him harder, working them both into a sweat until her ass cheeks slapped wetly on his legs.

He grabbed her bouncing boobs to steady them, the nipples like pebbles in his hands. "Gonna cum soon, Lisa."

"Me too," she whined and bore down on him harder, holding her breath as the waves of her orgasm washed over her. When she could breathe again she set to work milking the semen from him with her vaginal walls. "Fill me," she moaned, and he did.

She collapsed into his arms. "Thank you." She nuzzled into his shoulder. "Can we still have that date?"

Wolfie brushed her wild hair off his face. "Pietra, wine glasses are in the cupboard next to the fridge, and the corkscrew is in the drawer next to it. No one’s driving tonight, so bring both bottles."

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories: